Bearcat Motorsports has fostered students' love for the future of racing through opportunities to develop technical, interpersonal, and conceptual skills. BCMS is a student organization and it would be impossible for us to build the car without the support of our incredible friends, families, alumni, and partners. Your generosity is what makes it possible for us to do something we love!
We are always looking for more opportunities to collaborate with companies and individuals. Check out our Sponsorship package and contact us at bcms@ucmail.uc.edu!
Donate by Mail
To donate by check, please sent to this address:
2851 Woodside Drive
598 Rhodes Hall
ATTN: Bearcat Motorsports
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Tax Information
Courtesy of the UC Foundation, tax exempt donations are available. Please reach out for more information if interested in pursuing this method.

Other ways
Becoming a partner, fundraising opportunities, material donations, assistance with fabrication, offerings of wisdom and expertise, and anything else you can possibly think of that will advance our team is always appreciated!